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Why Frequent App Updates are Important for User Retention

Provides users with new features and improvements to keep them engaged and interested in your app as well as address bugs and other issues that may arise.


Prakrati Kachroo

Redundancy is the root of boredom, and boredom drives you to abandon things, an app, for instance. And that is why an update is important. An update to the look and feel of the app or an update in features or functionality. Even the tiniest of updates can pique users’ interest.  

Now the question is - how do frequent updates help you retain users? And how frequently are we talking? Let's unravel the mystery. 

Why Frequent App Updates Are Important 

 Out with the Old Bugs 

Sometimes, updating an app just means fixing the bugs and issues that users face and very likely point out. It improves user satisfaction and experience, increasing the probability of user retention and inspiring trust and loyalty. More often than not, these bugs are very easy to fix and can make the experience smoother. All you need to do is act quickly and resolve it.  

In with the New Features 

Innovating features and ways to make apps interactive and engaging is vital for retaining your users, who might otherwise get over the initial hit of dopamine they got from your app. So, keep rolling out features through regular updates. Don't fall short on the surprise element. 

Reassure Security and Privacy 

With increasing concerns about app security, users tend to feel vulnerable. Introducing new security measures or features in your app will reassure them and make them and their data feel safe from privacy and security threats. It'll help you earn your users' trust and make them more likely to stick around. 

Keep your Competitors Sweating 

The Mobile App Market is competitive. Day in and day out, countless new apps are making their way up in the App Store. Don't fret. With consistency and frequent updates, you'll keep them at bay. Keep an eye out for what's trending, release updates to address issues, introduce new features, and set yourself apart and ahead of your competitors. 

Adapt to Stay Compatible  

Just like everything else, mobile devices and operating systems evolve at a fast pace. We're talking new features, policies, security protocols and whatnot. It is of the essence to update your app to fall in line with the upgrades in mobiles and OS to remain compatible and function well. 

Listen, Learn & Leverage 

If there's one thing you should know about users, they'll have something to say. And most of the time, it can help you nail your App's next update. So, keep your ears open to listen to your users' feedback, learn from it, and leverage it to fix issues or innovate new features. It will also make your users feel heard and inspire loyalty. 

Climb the App Store Ranking 

Just like your users, the App Store needs something new and interesting from you every once in a while. So, to rank higher in the App Store and improve your visibility, you need to release frequent updates. And remember, more visibility, more downloads, more credibility, more retention.  

Inspire Trust through Brand Consistency 

Nothing inspires loyalty more than consistency in efforts. Releasing frequent updates keeps your users interested and leaves them wanting more. With consistency, customer-centricity and commitment to improving and evolving the app, you can win your users over. And retain them for longer. 

How Frequently Should You Update Your App? 

Well, that depends. What is the size of the app? How complex is it? How many resources are available? What are the needs of the users? And can you address an issue or add value through it?  

However, variable aside, you should aim to release regular updates to ensure your app remains relevant and in-trend. You can release minor weekly or monthly updates to address bugs and improve performance and more significant updates every few months to introduce new features and functionality. As long as your updates are frequent enough to keep the users interested in your app, you're good! Also, try not to overdo it. It takes users some time to get used to new features or functionality, so give them enough time between releases.  

In addition, conduct surveys for a second opinion from those who know best- the users. It'll help you determine the frequency of updates. And remember to inform your users about updates through push notifications, blogs, social networks etc.  

Final Word 

Considering the number of Apps available in the App Store, it is no surprise that users are spoilt for choices. And even after they download your App, you need to make efforts to retain them. Updating your app frequently, getting rid of bugs, and introducing new features and functionality is a good way of doing so. 'Frequent enough' updates. 

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