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Digital Transformation - An itch worthy of a scratch

Technology is driving business growth, the way businesses operate, and the future holds a myriad of opportunities with the power of AI.

  • Technology empowers businesses to stay competitive in the long run.
  • Deliver value to customers with tailored solutions, use technology to drive customer retention and loyalty.
  • Automate manual processes and solve complex business problems with digital transformation.


Tanya Kaushish

One message that comes out loud and clear from every keynote, panel discussion or study is how businesses can leverage technology to remain competitive and relevant. Technology is helping businesses world over to transform customer experiences and transform business models. New opportunities are getting created every second, thanks to technologies like Mobility, Big Data Analytics, AI & Cloud. 

Businesses that understand the scope of role that technology plays are reaping rich dividends through the process. 

Let's take a shallow dive into the concept of digital transformation.  

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. Digital transformation elements often cited are: 

Customer experience 

Leverage technological advancements like chatbots, AI, VR, Big Data and IoT to satisfy and retain your customer base.  

Operational agility 

Digital Technologies links through automation and data create insights which help in operational agility and efficiency. 

Digital technology integration 

Digital Transformation empowers to create and manage a complex business eco system of people, systems, information, and money.  

Be it closing the gap between what digital customers already expect and what analog businesses deliver or a radically rethinking how an organization uses technology, people and processes to change business performance, digital transformation holds the answers for all these questions. 

At least that’s what the technology spends world over seems to indicate. Worldwide spending on technologies and services that enable digital transformation will reach $3.9 trillion in 2027, per the (IDC) Worldwide Semiannual Digital Transformation Spending Guide. IDC predicts that digital transformation spending will grow steadily, achieving a five-year compound annual growth rate of 16.1 percent between 2023 and 2027.

So, how do you get started on your digital transformation journey? 

Digital transformation empowers you with technology to solve your problems. Chances are you already know the processes in your business which need to be re-invented. If you do not, there are ways in which you can identify them.  

Audit of legacy systems – both internal and external 

By doing an audit of your internal systems that have been the core of your business. Check for bottlenecks, manual processes which are causing inefficiencies. Evaluate how technology can be used to bypass these bottlenecks to create savings in time and/or money. 

Customer feedback 

Talk to your customers. If there is a single person who is going to help you the most with your digital transformation, that will be your customer. Think about all the things you need to do to make your customers’ lives easy and you will know where to start integrating technology into your processes.  

Talk to a Digital Transformation Expert  

This is where people like us – Hashbrown Systems come into picture. IT leaders, Technology Consultants who have worked across industries can help you identify key digital transformation issues and handhold you through implementation seamlessly.  

Today digitally transformed companies have an edge; tomorrow, only digital businesses will succeed. Digital transformation is not a question of if, but when. It’s a survival issue.  

Take the first step in your digital transformation journey. Engage us to know where we can help you

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